3 Reasons You Need Motorcyle Insurance Today

As fun as they can be dangerous, motorcycles are unique vehicles with unique insurance coverage needs. For residents of Charlotte, NC, the following is an overview of 3 reasons you need to purchase motorcycle insurance today. 

Affordable and Flexible

One of the top reasons you need motorcycle insurance is that it is affordable and flexible. Unlike other types of insurance, you have a lot more options with regard to limits, deductibles, discounts, etc.  Purchasing a motorcycle insurance policy will likely be a much easier process than other more common types of coverage.

Liability Coverage

No matter how skilled of a driver you are, accidents still happen. In the event that the accident is caused by you, you will certainly want to make sure you are properly covered. Otherwise, you could be on the hook for property damages, costly medical bills, and much more.

Protect Against Other Damages

Moreover, there are plenty of ways in which your motorcycle could become damaged outside of an accident. For instance, your bike could be vandalized, it could catch on fire, be stolen, and more. By purchasing a motorcycle insurance policy, you will make sure your bike is covered even if it becomes damaged in other ways.

Overall, for residents of Charlotte, NC Jim Boyce Insurance is a great option for securing motorcycle coverage. Simply call, email them, or visit the office today to find out how you can start your policy at once and save. There is no need to worry about your motorcycle coverage any longer. Contact  Jim Boyce Insurance to start your policy on your terms and as soon as possible. 

Why the Additional Coverage of Umbrella Insurance is Smart

You may have heard the term umbrella insurance but felt adequately protected with your current home and auto coverage.  So, you may be surprised when you agent at Jim Boyce Insurance suggested that you consider the additional protection that umbrella insurance provides.  Your existing home and auto liability coverage protects in the event of an accident where you are found to be at fault.  Umbrella insurance, as a secondary liability policy, significantly extends that coverage with a minimal investment.  In the Charlotte, NC area, the agents can show you in detail how this type of policy works for you. 

When you most need the help, an umbrella policy provides extended coverage to protect your assets.  In an accident situation, either a car wreck or on your property, where you are found to be at fault, you will be responsible for the repairs and medical expenses of the other party.   Should they decide to sue, you could also be held responsible for their legal fees, as well as your own.  Between vehicle repair, medical care and rehab, legal fees and potentially an award for damages, it’s easy to see that the liability policy allowances can quickly be exhausted.  When that happens, you’re responsible for the additional expenses. 

An umbrella policy changes this situation.  For instance, say your home policy has a liability coverage limit of $350,000.  If someone is injured and you are responsible, your home insurance policy will go into effect.  When the policy’s limits are reached, the umbrella policy will kick in with additional coverage to protect you.  They also can have clauses that provide for libel or slander cases.

The team at Jim Boyce Insurance in the Charlotte, NC area are ready to help you get the coverage you need.  Give them a call and visit them today.

I Just Rented My First Apartment – What Do I Need to Discuss During My Insurance Consultation?

Hey, fellow North Carolinians we’re here for you.  Jim Boyce Insurance in Charlotte, NC encourages all renters to acquire renters insurance as soon as possible. Whether you decide to purchase the insurance before you sign the lease or after making it one of the first decisions you make as an apartment renter. 

When you consult with an insurance agent be ready to discuss:

  • the location of your apartment 
  • If you will be living with another person (such as a roommate, co-tenant or even a family member) – the agent would be interested in knowing that information
  • a comprehensive and accurate listing of the personal property that you would like protected

The personal property that you would like protected is an essential part of your initial consultation. If you have items of great value you may want to take out additional insurance specifically for those items the insurance agent will also be interested to know if you have any type of security measures at your apartment.

  • Is there a secure place as part of your rental agreement or is there a security guard present on the property? Is there a place to keep your valuables with the new apartment? These are some items that your insurance agent will be curious to know in order to best serve and protect your assets. 

Located in Charlotte, NC, Jim Boyce Insurance specializes in various types of insurance. Among these are auto, flood, umbrella, life, home, motorcycle, business, recreational vehicle and classic car insurances. Stop by our office today or call us to discuss how we can make your experience as an apartment renter the very best it can be.

3 Advantages Of Classic Car Insurance

If you treasure your collector cars, you surely want to be able to maintain them for as long as possible.

If you use them regularly for fun or for display in Charlotte, NC, you also want to keep them insured. Regular auto insurance won’t do your classic car any justice, though. Here’s why you should consider a classic car policy like the ones from Jim Boyce Insurance instead

1. An Agreed-upon Valuation Of Your Classic Car

When you use your everyday modern car on a regular basis, its value depreciates. Typically, as soon as you drive your car off the dealership’s lot, the value depreciates.

The exact opposite is true with classic or antique cars, though. The longer you keep them in good condition, the more they are worth.

Classic car insurance providers take this fact into consideration. When you purchase your policy, you and your insurer agree upon the value of your car. the insurance company doesn’t decide an arbitrary valuation; the car’s value in its current state is well-researched, and you, the customer, agrees to the value listed on the insurance policy prior to purchasing it.

2. Roadside Assistance

If you use regular auto insurance for your classic car, you might have to pay a lot out of pocket if the car breaks down in the middle of the road.

You also don’t want a random repair person to carelessly troubleshoot your classic engine. Therefore, classic car insurance coverage may also come with the benefit of roadside assistance.

If your collector car breaks down, an experienced classic car technician is sent out to aid you. He’ll help you transport the car to the shop of your choosing, or bring it back home for you. Some policies even offer troubleshooting services, where the technician can fix the issue at the expense of your insurance.

3. Coverage For Spare parts

If you’re an avid classic car collector, you know that spare parts for these automobiles are expensive and hard to find.

It’s a huge advantage when a classic car insurance policy can provide coverage for spare parts. Typically, you are in control of what to purchase and where. then, the insurance reimburses you for the cost of the parts.

Are You Ready To Invest In Classic Car Insurance?

If you’re ready to take advantage of all the perks that a classic car insurance policy has to offer in Charlotte, NC, call your local Jim Boyce Insurance agent today. Your friendly agent can walk you through getting the best possible protection for your vintage beauty.

Should A Life Insurance Policy Be Part Of Retirement Planning?

Retirement planning can be a tricky for a Charlotte, NC senior. While Jim Boyce Insurance is able to provide assistance, there are certain elements of the process that can remain confusing. Fortunately, your decision is even easier than you may have realized.

Is a Life Insurance Policy a Necessary Aspect of Retirement Planning?

In a word? Yes. There are a number of people who view retirement planning and life insurance policies as separate entities but they are more closely intertwined than most are aware of. Life insurance is usually viewed as a means of keeping a family protected after the policyholder has passed away. 

However, life insurance is a much more important aspect of retirement planning. It should be considered an integral aspect of any retirement plan and those who allow themselves to believe otherwise are placing themselves in a precarious position going forward.

Why Is a Life Insurance Policy So Important?

Proper utilization of life insurance policies allows for a far more comprehensive retirement plan. Loved ones are able to recover from any financial risks that are created. Unexpected costs are handled far more easily. As our lives begin to change, our financial situations change as well. Having a life insurance policy that reflects these changes is pivotal. 

By choosing the correct form of life insurance, you are not only making life easier in the present…you are ensuring the future financial stability of the people you care about most. Income is protected, tax-free cash flow is provided and tax concerns are managed far more easily. The peace of mind that is created is something that you cannot put a price on. 

Charlotte, NC residents who are looking for additional guidance on the life insurance policy and retirement planning are welcome to contact the good folks at Jim Boyce Insurance as soon as possible. 

My Kids Have Moved Out, Do I Need To Review My Home Insurance?

Any time that there is a major life change, it’s important to review your insurance. Since you want home insurance that you can rely on in Charlotte, NC, you should review your policy once your kids move out. Independent insurance agents at Jim Boyce Insurance can help you, too.

Your home insurance policy in Charlotte, NC may have coverage that you no longer need. For example, you may have had a high-value rider on your insurance policy to cover the valuables belonging to your kids. Now that they have moved out and taken all of their electronics with them, you need to consider conducting a new home inventory.

You may also want to make some modifications to your home. With the new found money of not having kids in the house, you might want to build a detached garage or install a swimming pool. Any changes to your property need to be updated in your home insurance policy.

When you first get a home insurance policy, you identify that you have kids. It could affect your liability coverage and more. Once they move out, it might actually save you some money by not having them under your roof. If you can save a little money, you will want to take that opportunity.

Policies change all the time. Since your kids moving out is a big deal, it only makes sense that you review your policy to see if some changes need to be made to the coverage levels. Some levels may need to go up while others can go down.

At Jim Boyce Insurance, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Let a professional independent insurance agent review your policy and help you add or drop coverage to ensure you have the coverage you need without paying for what you don’t need.



Can Your Business Survive Without Commercial Insurance?

Many small business owners think that insurance is too expensive or that they can just go without it.  But what they don’t realize is that four out of ten business will experience a property or liability loss in the next ten years. Topping the list for most common is burglary and theft but thanks to the internet age the most costly for small business owners is reputation harm that includes violation of privacy, libel, and slander coming in at a whopping $50k. The majority of small businesses would not be able to survive such a claim, and some may not have the funds or resources to keep the doors open after some of these other costly scenarios either. At Jim Boyce Insurance we are here to provide Charlotte, NC business owners with tools they need to run a successful business. 

Most Costly Reported Claims 

  • Reputation Harm ($50,000) Less than 5% of all claims filed 
  • Vehicle Accident ($45,000) Less than 5% of all claims filed 
  • Product Liability ($35,000) Less than 5% of all claims filed 
  • Fire ($35,000) 10% of all claims filed 
  • Customer Injury or Damage ($30,000) Less than 5% of all claims filed 
  • Wind and Hail Damage ($26,000) 15% of all claims filed 
  • Customer Slip and Fall ($20,000) 10% of all claims filed 
  • Water and Freezing Damage ($17,000) 15% of all claims filed 
  • Struck by an Object ($10,000) Less than 5% of all claims filed 
  • Burglary and Theft ($8,000) 20% of all claims filed 

It’s important to note that these numbers only represent those that carry commercial insurance and have filed claims. These situations play out every day for those that don’t have insurance as well.  

Could your business survive if you have you had one of the above happen to you? At Jim Boyce Insurance we want to make sure Charlotte, NC businesses are protected. 

Tips To Make Sure Your Car Is Ready For A Long Trip

The agents of Jim Boyce Insurance are dedicated to serving clients who live in or around the Charlotte, NC area. They are always available to answer questions or offer suggestions to clients who are looking for tips on how to update their insurance or keep their family and vehicle safe when they travel.

Schedule A Maintenance Check/Tune-up

If you are planning on taking a long road trip, you want your car to be in operating at its best. Having the oil changed and all of the fluids checked will make sure your car runs as it should. During a full maintenance check and tune-up, the mechanic will also check your lights, windshield wipers, and any other systems to ensure they are functioning properly. They may change out your wiper blades if they are worn and even fill your windshield washer fluid. Checking your tires is also on the list.

Put Together An Emergency Kit

It’s always a good idea to have an emergency kit in the trunk of your car. This can include a blanket, flashlight, bottled water, jumper cables, first aid kit, and any other items your family may need if they are forced to stop for a long period of time due to an accident or other emergencies. 

If you live in the Charlotte, NC area, call and schedule an appointment with the agents of Jim Boyce Insurance today! If you are planning on taking a trip, an agent can make sure you are ready to go with an updated insurance policy and a list of suggestions that will help to keep your family safe and secure while you’re on the road.

Umbrella Insurance Can Also be for Personal Use

The term umbrella insurance is often associated with businesses and corporations. However, fundamentally, the tool can be available for personal financial protection as well. Umbrella insurance in Charlotte, NC and elsewhere simply provides an additional safety net to other insurance policies if they are insufficient to cover a financial need. That can happen more often than people think with injuries, property damage, and even behavior, as is becoming more and more common in the work world. For example, imagine you’re a manager in the office and regardless of doing your job, you get accused of harassing someone at an office party you had at your house one weekend. The person sues the company but also sues you personally. The company will try to limit it’s liability, which means you could end up with a personal claim. Your homeowner’s insurance would be the next option, but their language may not cover or may limit seriously any response. Without an umbrella policy in place, you could be looking at the cost of the claim being out-of-pocket. And with today’s legal costs, that will probably bankrupt most personal portfolios.

While no one wants to plan for a legal nightmare like the one above, having the protection in place for such a risk can avoid the problem entirely if it ever does occur. The folks at Jim Boyce Insurance can help. They regularly provide advice, guidance and technical assistance in developing umbrella policy coverage for clients in Charlotte, NC. Don’t wait for a problem to happen to figure out what will be covered. Talk with Jim Boyce Insurance today and avoid risk altogether.

Why You Need Renters Insurance

When renting an apartment, many people make the incorrect assumption they don’t need any kind of insurance. After all, they don’t own the property so there’s no need to take out additional insurance. While this aspect is true, not taking out renters insurance can leave a person vulnerable. Whether living in or around Charlotte, NC, Jim Boyce Insurance is here to educate renters into why it is vital to take out renter’s insurance. 

At Greater Risk of Property Damage

People living in apartments and shared units are at a greater risk from fire. This is because should a fire break out in any of the rental units, it may affect the renter’s own apartment. From the fire spreading to sprinklers going off, fire and water are some of the top causes of damage inside of an apartment. Renter’s insurance is there to replace the damaged valuables. 


Without renter’s insurance, if someone breaks into an apartment and steals valuables a person is completely out of luck. Unless the police are able to track down the culprit before the goods are sold off, there’s little chance of tracking down and returning the valuables. In these instances, a renter is forced to pay for new items, which can quickly add up. However, with renter’s insurance, these valuables will be covered. Instead of paying thousands of dollars to replace the computers, entertainment systems, and jewelry, if the items are included on a rental insurance policy a company like Jim Boyce Insurance will be there to replace the stolen valuables. 

Renter’s insurance protects renters in the event of a fire, flooding or if their valuables are stolen. Insurance coverage is inexpensive, yet helps protect renter’s should any of these instances take place. When living around Charlotte, NC, Jim Boyce Insurance is here to help. If you have further questions about renter’s insurance, make sure to contact Jim Boyce Insurance today.