Why should I get flood insurance in North Carolina?

Being a real estate owner in the Matthews, NC area has been a good option for many people in recent years. While your home can be a valuable asset, it also needs to be adequately covered by insurance. A productive way that you can protect your home is by investing in flood coverage. There are many great reasons someone should invest in a flood insurance plan here. 

Protect Your Property

An important reason you should have a flood insurance plan in this part of North Carolina is that it can help protect your property. If a flood damages your home, the cost to remediate it can be significant. At the same time, home insurance might not cover the flood damage. When you get a flood insurance plan, it will offer the support needed to repair your property following a flood.

Meet Insurance Requirements

It would also be a good idea to get this coverage as it can ensure you meet insurance requirements. The lender will run a flood determination search if you have taken out a mortgage in North Carolina. If they determine your home is at risk of flood damage, the lenders will require you to carry insurance. This coverage will remain a requirement until the loan is paid off, and having insurance will help keep you in good standing. 

Flood insurance should be considered necessary for property owners facing certain risk factors in the Matthews, NC area. If you are looking for the correct type of coverage here, you can start your search by calling our professionals with Jim Boyce Insurance. There are many decisions to make when looking for insurance, and our Jim Boyce Insurance team can provide the guidance you need to make an informed decision. 

Do I Need to Insure My RV When I’m Not Using It?

RVs are a home away from home for many Matthews, NC residents. Some may spend a long weekend in a campground, while others might spend weeks on the road. Regardless of how you use your RV, there are likely times when it stays parked for extended periods throughout the year. It’s not uncommon for RV owners to spend this time wondering if they even need to continue paying for their insurance when it’s not being used. 

Before you choose to let your policy lapse, it’s crucial that you consider the implications of doing so. The team at Jim Boyce Insurance is here to tell you about a few reasons you need to insure your RV year-round.

It May Be a Requirement

Like when buying a home or car, you may have taken out a loan to purchase your RV. If so, your lender will likely require you to keep a minimum amount of insurance on the RV until the loan is repaid to protect their investment. Likewise, if you keep your RV at a storage facility, the facility’s owner may require you to provide storage insurance.

Disasters Can Strike at Anytime

Even if your RV is paid for in full, it’s still a significant asset. Depending on where and how you store your RV, it may be at risk of damage from fires, floods, severe storms, theft, and more. Without an insurance policy, you’ll be left paying to repair or replace your RV out of your own pocket.

Speak With An Experienced Agent About Insuring Your RV Today!

Here at Jim Boyce Insurance in Matthews, NC, we understand how important your RV is to you. Our team will work with you to find the right coverage for your needs. Protect yourself today!

Will Motorcycle Insurance Fully Cover the Cost of Repairs?

When you have something nice, something that costs you a lot of money, something you take great pride in, you want to keep it protected. You want to keep the things you love safe. In the real world, that can’t always happen. That’s why it’s so important to have something like motorcycle insurance. No one can protect your bike from all the bad things out there in the world. But you can get coverage to help you repair or replace your motorcycle if bad things happen.

There are different levels of motorcycle insurance and different coverage types to choose from. Full-coverage policies, for example, will replace your entire motorcycle if it is heavily damaged or stolen. Full-coverage insurance is the most expensive option, but it’s not as expensive as paying for a new motorcycle.

Other types of insurance can partially cover some repairs or won’t cover any motorcycle repairs at all, so the type of insurance you get and the policy you use make a huge difference. If you want to make sure your motorcycle repairs or replacement will be fully covered, you need to make sure you have full coverage insurance with a policy that is big enough to cover the cost of the bike in its entirety. 

Use Jim Boyce Insurance to explore your options when seeking coverage to protect your bike in the Matthews, NC area. Please find out how much coverage is available, how much coverage you need, and how to get it at reasonable prices. Because when you have something beautiful, it needs to be protected. Find the right way to protect your motorcycle and get the necessary insurance. 

Does Umbrella Insurance Protection Against Theft?

Umbrella insurance is essential for individuals with liability risks exceeding their current policy’s limitations. Anyone interested in purchasing an umbrella insurance policy in the Matthews, NC area can count on Jim Boyce Insurance to provide quality insurance products that provide security and peace of mind. 

Umbrella Insurance Coverage 

Umbrella insurance is designed to provide extra liability protection that exceeds the limits of the current insurance policy that’s in place. This insurance coverage is ideal for many instances and can help prevent substantial risks and losses associated with a liability-related event. Before selecting an umbrella insurance policy, it’s essential to understand your level of risk and potential claims that may affect you in the future. However, if you’re currently shopping for umbrella policies and are unsure of the level of coverage you need, our experts can help.

Our team of professional insurance agents will carefully assess your current situation and offer suggestions and options that meet or exceed your current needs. We are committed to providing superior customer service before, during, and after the policy purchase. Agents can assist with document submission and any changes to the policy throughout its lifetime. We can even assist with submitting claims information.

Find Out More Today 

Suppose you’re currently interested in learning more about insurance options for an umbrella policy. In that case, you can contact an agent at Jim Boyce Insurance, serving the residents in and around the Matthews, NC area. Call or stop by our office today to schedule a consultation with an insurance agent or get answers to any questions about our insurance products and services. We strive to provide the best customer support and services to individuals living in the area so they can protect the things they care about most.

Should I Get Renter’s Insurance Even If My Landlord Doesn’t Require It?

When your landlord does not state in the lease that you need renter’s insurance, it might seem like an optional insurance policy. Unfortunately, at Jim Boyce Insurance in Matthews, NC, we’ve seen firsthand how putting off getting renter’s insurance can have negative consequences for renters, even if their landlord does not penalize them for not having coverage. 

What is renter’s insurance?

Renter’s insurance, also known as "tenant’s insurance," covers damages, repairs, and replacement of certain belongings, such as furniture, in the event of a qualifying disaster. Tenants who rent houses, apartments, or condos use renter’s insurance to cover repairs, medical expenses if found at fault in an accident in the unit, and more.

Is renter’s insurance required by law in North Carolina?

While North Carolina laws do not require tenants to purchase renter’s insurance, many landlords do include a requirement in their lease for the tenant to buy renter’s insurance. The reason for this is simple: renter’s insurance is an effective way for the tenant to cover damages and the cost of replacing belongings in a fire, theft, or other qualifying events. Even if a landlord doesn’t require it, you should get renter’s insurance as a tenant so that you don’t have to worry as much about potential disasters.

Should I get renter’s insurance even if my lease does not require it?

While you don’t have to get renter’s insurance in that case, the benefits of having renter’s insurance outweigh the disadvantages. Since renter’s insurance doesn’t cover retroactive claims, having it today means you’re prepared for whatever happens once coverage kicks in.

Call Jim Boyce Insurance in Matthews, NC today to explore our renter’s insurance policies!

Must Know Stats About Classic Cars (and Why Folks Need Classic Car Insurance)

Are you interested in classic cars? Perhaps you own one or are looking to pick one up? If so, it’s wise to take out classic car insurance, which will provide protection should a vehicle be damaged during various events. That said, discussing specifics with a car insurance expert is important. Live around Matthews, NC? Contact Jim Boyce Insurance to explore classic car insurance.

Car Production Was Much Smaller in the Past

In 1950, just 10 million cars were produced globally. Meanwhile, a few years ago, before supply chain shortages, annual car production reached nearly 100 million. As a result, cars, in general, were much rarer 70 years ago.

Generally speaking, the rarer a desired good is, the more expensive. Classic cars can easily cost more than their current year counterparts.

Few Cars Reach Their Golden Years

Cars are (largely) meant to be driven. As vehicles get used, they may also get used up. Salt on the road, hail, and even simple sunlight can cause damage (e.g., rust). Millions of car accidents unfold each year, and many vehicles will end up totaled. 

Roughly 15 percent of cars for a given make, model, and year will leave the market yearly. Thus, if 10 million 2023 Mustangs are sold in 2023, only 8.5 million might be left a year later.

There Are Around 10 Million Pre-1990 Cars Left

From 1900 to 1990, many tens of millions of cars were manufactured. Yet only about 10 million pre-1990 cars are left, and that number will drop with time. As a result, classic cars will only become rarer, thus making them more valuable. It’s generally a wise idea to ensure valuable property is protected by insurance, such as classic car insurance.

Want to discuss classic car insurance and live near Matthews, NC? Contact Jim Boyce Insurance to discuss coverage options.

Why You Need Life Insurance

When one of your household providers suffers a sudden and untimely death or disability, you might ask what’s next. If your answer is you don’t know, now is the best time to know. Jim Boyce Insurance in Matthews, NC can help.

Why Life Insurance?

Life insurance isn’t just for when someone dies. Life insurance can help with medical expenses, burial costs, and estate taxes. In some cases, you can cash out your life insurance if you’ve received a diagnosis of a terminal illness that might kill you soon. Insurance can support your survivors when they need to replace your income. It can replace funds you need to cover monthly bills and expenses, daycare, tuition, and planning for retirement. Life insurance is responsible for any family’s planning in case a wage earner dies unexpectedly.

How Can Jim Boyce Insurance Help?

Jim Boyce Insurance can help you find the right amount of life and accident coverage to cover your family’s needs and expenses. We can work with you to help fund your family’s charitable trust, if any, or to set aside money for children to finish their education from K-12 to Ph.D.

We can help protect yourself or a loved one against the financial devastation of death. Our trained and licensed agents, serving Matthews, NC, can help you find policies from nationally recognized insurance companies. We can help you understand different insurance policies’ specifics, strengths, and weaknesses. And we can do all of this either over the phone or from our office. If you have questions about how your insurance will cover you in North Carolina, we can help.

Call or visit Jim Boyce Insurance in Matthews, NC today for a free, no-obligation life insurance quote. Tomorrow might be too late.

Does My Home-based Business Require Commercial Insurance?

If you are like many entrepreneurs, you have thought about starting a home-based business. This model is convenient and saves you significant operating expenses. A home-based business is excellent, but you may be at a crossroads regarding the insurance needed for your business. Since you have home insurance, you may wonder whether you need additional coverage.

The reality is that home insurance offers limited protection for your business. Home insurance is confined to your home structure and its contents. Your typical home insurance doesn’t cover any liability claims and other losses incurred in your business. Jim Boyce Insurance in Matthews, NC, recommends the below commercial insurance options for your home-based business.

General liability coverage

This coverage covers you when accused of causing losses to third parties. Since home liability insurance doesn’t cover business-related claims, you must purchase general liability insurance to protect your business when accused of property damage, advertising, or bodily injury.

Commercial property

Home insurance provides limited coverage to your business property. Please consider commercial property insurance if you want all-rounded protection for your business assets. This policy compensates you when loss or damage happens to your business assets.

Cyber insurance

Home insurance won’t protect your business against cybercrimes. Invest in cyber insurance if your business stores sensitive customer data or has a heavy online presence. This policy cushions you financially when you encounter a cyberattack.

Professional liability insurance

Do you offer professional services such as legal advice, accounting, or auditing? Invest in professional liability insurance to protect yourself when accused of negligence or missed deadlines.

Want to protect your home-based business in Matthews, NC? Please talk to Jim Boyce Insurance. We will offer a business insurance policy that meets your budget and other business needs.

Most-forgotten Basics About Home Insurance

If you want to harness the power of your home insurance, it will help if you don’t forget the basics. Unfortunately, most homeowners rarely give their home insurance policies a second look after renewing. This could be dangerous as it can expose you when the unexpected occurs.

Today, Jim Boyce Insurance wants to refresh your mind about the everyday basics of home insurance you shouldn’t let fall by the wayside.

Updating your home insurance

Your home insurance isn’t a “set and forget” thing. You should review your home insurance annually to ensure it covers your current needs. However, sometimes you need to review your policy sooner. For instance, if you renovate your home or welcome a dangerous pet in your home, you should talk to your insurer to update your policy.

Failing to maintain an inventory list

Maintaining an inventory list to know everything in your possession is always a good idea. You can do this by going from one room to another to record everything you own. This way, you won’t have assets missing from your home insurance coverage. Plus, it makes it easier when filing a claim.

Home insurance exclusions

It’s a huge mistake to assume that your home insurance covers all risks under the sun. Your standard home insurance has limitations and exclusions. For instance, typical home insurance won’t cover damage caused by floods, earthquakes, sewer backup, and intentional acts.

Learning about home insurance exclusions is vital to help you know what “add-ons” to purchase to boost your home insurance policy.

Home insurance in Matthews, NC 

Want to learn more about homeowners insurance? Shopping or renewing your home insurance in Matthews, NC? You are in the right place. Jim Boyce Insurance wants to be your preferred insurance agent in North Carolina. We offer tailored insurance advice and affordable policies to our clients. Please call or email us today as the first step towards a lifelong partnership.

Types of Auto Coverage

Auto insurance includes a category of policy types, including bodily injury, collision, comprehensive, roadside assistance, and property damage. You choose which types you want on your auto policy beyond the North Carolina state minimum coverage.

Jim Boyce Insurance serving Matthews, NC, offers comprehensive and complete auto insurance coverage. You can obtain a custom policy from us that includes precisely the coverage you want. Your options include:

  • Bodily injury: This type of policy covers your liability for injuries you cause as a result of an auto accident. The state requires it, but you can increase your amount of coverage. If an individual dies due to an accident you caused, this policy pays their family a death benefit.
  • Collision: A collision policy protect your vehicle by providing coverage for any type of collision that damages it. This means an accident you cause or a hit and run, etc. If you hit a mailbox or a fence, it covers the damage to your car. If a deer runs in front of your vehicle, this policy covers the damage.
  • Comprehensive: Comprehensive covers acts of nature, like hail damage, and acts of humans, such as vandalism, rioting, and theft.
  • Property Damage: This type of insurance covers property damage to other individuals’ vehicles or to structures. If you drive your vehicle into someone’s fence, the property damage policy covers their repairs.
  • Roadside Assistance: A roadside assistance policy serves you with help wherever you experience auto trouble. If you run out of gas, roadside assistance brings you fuel. If your tire goes flat, roadside assistance shows up and changes the flat tire.

Contact Jim Boyce Insurance

Contact Jim Boyce Insurance, serving Matthews, NC, today to create your custom auto policy. Let us help you insure your vehicle.